Mystery signal at Fermilab hints at ‘technicolour’ force – physics-math – 07 April 2011 – New Scientist

Read full article Continue reading page |1 |2 The physics world is buzzing with news of an unexpected sighting at Fermilab’s Tevatron collider in Illinois – a glimpse of an unidentified particle that, should it prove to be real, will radically alter physicists’ prevailing ideas about how nature works and how particles get their mass.…

Trapping antihydrogen

Amplify’d from Trapping antihydrogen By Physics Today on December 6, 2010 11:51 AM Are there any unexpected differences between matter and antimatter? The international ALPHA collaboration has taken an important step toward answering that question by constructing an apparatus at CERN that can confine freshly made atoms of antihydrogen, the bound state of an…

LHC – Nascimento

LHC   LHC First Beam on  10 September 2008  Primeira experiência do LHC Geneva, 10 de Setembro de 2008. O primeiro teste com um feixe de milhões de protões no acelerador LHC (Large Hadron Collider) do Laboratório Europeu de Física de Partículas (CERN) foi bem sucedido, percorrendo os 27 quilómetros às 10h28min desta manhã. Este evento histórico marca um…