Trapping antihydrogen

Amplify’d from Trapping antihydrogen By Physics Today on December 6, 2010 11:51 AM Are there any unexpected differences between matter and antimatter? The international ALPHA collaboration has taken an important step toward answering that question by constructing an apparatus at CERN that can confine freshly made atoms of antihydrogen, the bound state of an…

Physics Front

An interesting site for physics teacher, provided by the American Association of Physics Teachers Amplify’d from The Physics Front provides high quality resources for the teaching of physics and physical sciences courses. The Physics Front is a free service provided by the American Association of Physics Teachers in partnership with the NSF/NSDL.

Airport Body Scanners: To Fear or Not to Fear?

It’s that time of the year again – when Americans brace for the annual air travel melee on the industry’s busiest day of the year – the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. New this year is the increased presence of total body scanners – technology developed to detect explosives stashed in the pants of a would-be terrorist…

Antimatéria criada e aprisionada pelo CERN

"Os físicos que trabalham na Organização Europeia para Pesquisa Nuclear (CERN) em Genebra, Suíça, conseguiram aprisionar o anti-hidrogénio – o equivalente a antimatéria do átomo de hidrogénio – um marco que poderá em breve levar às experiências em forma de matéria que desapareceram misteriosamente, logo após nascimento do universo a 14 bilhões de anos. Um…

Multimedia Physics’ resources

Great multimedia resources about Physics: Volume I: Mechanics. Volume II: Waves and Sound. Volume III: Electricity and Magnetism. Amplify’d from Physclips – Mechanics Introduction Constant Acceleration Projectiles Circular Motion Simple Harmonic Motion Newton’s Laws Weight and Contact Forces Energy and Power Centre of Mass Momentum Rotation Gravity Supporting pages and downloads Physclips – Waves…

Physics and Chemistry Nobel Prizes 2010

  The 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Andre Geim and Russian Konstantin Novoselov for its innovative work on the two-dimensional graphene, materials useful for the development of more efficient electronic devices such as computers and solar panels. The American Richard Heck and the Japanese Ei-ichi Negishi and Suzuki Akira researchers were honored…

Qual o tamanho de um meteoro para chegar ao solo?

Amplify’d from E como podemos ver um meteoro causado por uma partícula tão pequena de matéria? Acontece que o que esses meteoróides perdem em massa, ganham em velocidade, e é isso que causa o rastro de luz no céu. Os meteoróides entram na atmosfera a velocidades extremamente altas – 11 a 72 km/s. Eles…